I decided to make fudge. Not just any fudge. Bacon fudge with a caramel drizzle. YIKES! Since I am taking this fudge to a New Year's Party I decided to use half of it for the non-adventurous eaters...boring old fudge with walnuts. It'll still taste good.
Here's how to begin. Gather all ingredients.
1 tbsp of butter
1/2 tsp of vanilla
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup of bacon bits..(the good kind)
Here's how to begin. Gather all ingredients.
Missing...Butter and Vanilla
Dump your sweet and condensed milk and a tbsp of butter into a bowl. Add your dark chocolate chips.
Next you should melt it in your ancient microwave that only has one heat setting. On.
After melting it for a while; getting distracted by everyday occurrences add your vanilla that you forgot to put in beforehand. Bad baker..forgetting ingredients.
Stir. Very important. Don't forget. Use something apt to stir a spatula will work best.
Divide the fudge into two separate containers. If your poor you don't have matching bowls so you just find a near tupperware container. Add in 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts to the non-adventurous bowl you've labeled. To the adventurous bowl add the glorious bacon. Add as much as your heart desires. Let the poor-ness continue and dump the fudge into a pan with parchment paper. I obviously don't have skill in the parchment paper tearing; but I try. Isn't that what counts??? Maybe??
Make sure you know which fudge is which. That is important. Because you will drizzle caramel on the bacon side and leave the walnut side alone. No one wants you fudge with walnuts. I'll probably eat some anyways.
After you let it sit in the fridge. Douse the bacon side in caramel. Let it sit back in the fridge until it is time to cut.
Bacon Fudge with Caramel Drizzle and Fudge with Walnuts.
16 oz of dark chocolate chips
1 small can of sweet and condensed milk1 tbsp of butter
1/2 tsp of vanilla
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup of bacon bits..(the good kind)
Caramel for drizzle
Heat the sweet and condensed milk and butter for 30 seconds. Add the chocolate chips and vanilla; melt until it turns into a cake batter consistency; stir every 30 seconds. (This will vary depending on microwave). Divide the fudge into two separate containers; in the first container add the chopped walnuts. In the second container add the bacon bits. (If 1/4 cup of bacon bits isn't enough add more!) Put it in a parchment paper layered cake pan; divided by parchment paper. (See pictures above for more sense!) Tap the pan on the counter for 1-2 minutes to get the air bubbles out. Refrigerate for one hour. Melt caramel and drizzle over the bacon side. Refrigerate for another 2 hours. Cut with a warm knife. Enjoy!
*This is my own recipe. Please give credit where credit is due.*